Hey Change Maker, I’m Natalia Violette


Writer of witty, wise & world-changing words. Lover of humanity & Mother Earth.

Fostering Universal Connection Through Compassionate Copywriting & Purpose-Driven Poetry

Growing up, I found solace in the words of others. As someone who was ‘the new kid’ a lot, it was difficult to find a place to belong and my passion for human connection wasn’t always welcomed with open arms. So, I escaped to libraries to devour books and poetry, hoping to discover someone else who was just like me.

Every book I found was a feast of words, each one reflecting moments of my own life and the future I dreamed of. I discovered souls who shared my vision and challenged the shallow, dull & destructive norms of society, and suddenly, I didn’t feel so alone anymore.

I’ve made it my mission to do for others what those authors & poets did for me (and continue to do): to inspire, heal, empower & most importantly, connect—to ourselves, each other and back to the Earth.

It's what I hope to do for the rest of my life.

Surviving cancer at twenty-eight years old fueled my drive for a better world—inner & outer. The experience gave me an eagle-eyed perspective on life which helped me see the hard truth about our existence today: we are more sick, disconnected, and lost than ever.

I experienced firsthand how little we understand about ourselves and how easily we are willing to put our health into the hands of professionals or modalities, without having all the information we need to make more informed decisions.

Having spent too much time on both sides of the system, the solution is clear as day—we need more support. More compassion. And we need to come together to regain control of our health—mind, body, and soul.

Starting Violette Ink Creative has allowed me to help bring forth positive and lasting changes to the world through the written word. By joining forces with trailblazing leaders in wellness, I can now can help shift how we treat & nourish ourselves, each other and the planet on a larger scale.

Teaming up to shake up the world of wellness


Our stories have the power to heal,
connect & uncover deep-buried truths;
our words have the power to move mountains.

my mantra

Academic & Professional Cred

As a lifelong writer and poet with over a decade of corporate & creative experience in HR and logistics management, combined with academic studies in psychology, nursing, and copywriting, I've mastered the art of communication and connection.

After seven years in the corporate landscape, I decided to shift my focus in 2020 and utilize my diverse skillset & love of language to inspire positive change across the globe.

♥︎ Genuinely want to provide a positive impact on this planet & the people in it

♥︎ Want more than just well-written words, they want brand poetry that moves the masses

♥︎ Value freedom, truth, community, authenticity & fun

♥︎ Lead with empathy, compassion, and integrity​

♥︎ Have an insatiable craving to empower others with confidence, resources, products & services that will help them live their best lives

Co-creating messaging magic with brands who…

♥︎ Understand the power of the written word & know it's an integral part of a successful & stand-out brand

♥︎ Respect the creative process & enjoy collaborating to help your vision come to life

♥︎ Can admit writing is just not your thing & you'd rather hand it over to a pro

♥︎ Wants a co-creator who makes you feel seen & heard

Love having a damn good time while building positive change

➞ You're not interested in standing out through storytelling & heart-led language

➞ You don't prioritize authenticity, integrity or connecting on a deeper level with your people

➞ You lack passion, purpose or commitment to building a revolutionary brand that inspires change

➞ You don't enjoy co-creating to make your vision come to life (I'm good at working alone, but even better with a partner in creativity who's passionate about making a mark on this world!)

You probably won’t align with my vibe if…

A Few of My Favorite Things

why i wake up in the morning

I never want others to feel as alone as I used to. I wake up to write. To create stories and purpose-driven poetry that shifts perspectives and shows people that life can still be beautiful—no matter how many storms may have crossed their path.

my favorite book

On the Shortness of Life - Seneca

My most cherished routine:

A hot cup of coffee in the morning with my partner, telling him about the colorful and out-of-this-world dreams I had that night.

I couldn’t live without:

My two beautiful Kelpie doggos who are more amped up about life than any other creature I’ve ever met.

Your story is your superpower.

what i teach my clients


The written word can be extremely potent in helping bring forth positive and lasting changes to the world, but it’s not always easy to do on your own—especially when you’re already doing all the things—that’s why I’m here to walk alongside you. By combining our superpowers, we can shift humanity to the next level.

How? We’ll spread the word far & wide and empower others to be better humans by helping them navigate this (somewhat crazy) life & their health.

Piece of cake.

Ready to join forces & use our powers for good?

1:1 Soul-led Support & Brand Messaging Strategy

Experience a more profound connection to yourself, your biz and your people. My intuitive & soul-led consulting approach dives deep into your story to unearth your superpowers and authentic voice, allowing you to get clear on your brand messaging & confidently blaze ahead with your mission. 

Done-For-You Copy & Content Writing

Putting a stop to all your writing woes through done-for-you website copywriting, email marketing, social media content & more—because you didn’t start your biz to focus on punctuation over your passion or connect with your keyboard more than the actual humans you’re trying to reach…amiright?


Hey Healers, I'm Fauna

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